keywords:junior high school

videoTaoyuan City Taoyuan District chin hsi junior high school

Taoyuan City Chin Hsi Junior High School is located in the North District of Taoyuan City, across the Nankan River and adjacent to Hutoushan Mountain. It has a quiet environment and simple folk customs. Since the school was founded on August 1, 1957, under the careful planning and hard work of the first principal Zheng Lixu and the current principal Shen Yaqiu, whether it is the promotion of school affairs, the establishment of academic style, the enrichment of equipment, and the expansion of school buildings, The buildings are all brilliant and impressive.

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video:taoyuan municipal chin hsi junior high school

build time:2023-10-26
sort:Campus video
youtubeimg桃園市立青溪國民中學第52屆畢業歌MV - 初心
build time:2023-10-26